• Newsletters

Newsletter 17 - The 43rd National Exhibition of Animal Artists of Bry-sur-Marne

The 43rd National Exhibition of Animal Artists of Bry-sur-Marne

SNAA 2019

We are waiting for you at the 43rd National Exhibition of Animal Artists of Bry-sur-Marne where an Audfray-Petersen prize will be awarded.

For more information about Armand Petersen

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Newsletter 16 - Exhibition at the Salon artistique of Bois-Colombes

Armand PETERSEN will be present at the next Art Fair in the city of Bois-Colombes

201909 sab expo

For more information about Armand Petersen
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Newsletter 15 - ARMAND PETERSEN at the SAB EXPO of Bruxelles

ARMAND PETERSEN will be present at the SAB EXPO of Bruxelles

201909 sab expo

For any information about Armand Petersen please contact Mr and Mrs Bauquier
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Newsletter 14 - Exhibition Petersen - Audfray at the Town Hall of Puteaux

There are only 8 days left to visit the exhibition Armand PETERSEN - Etienne AUDFRAY in the beautiful landscaped decorations specially designed for the exhibition at the request of the Mayor Joëlle Ceccaldi-Raynaud.

facade mairie p 600x900

For any information about Armand Petersen and Etienne Audfray please contact Mr and Mrs Bauquier
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Newsletter 13 - Exhibition Petersen - Audfray at Puteaux town hall

Exhibition Armand PETERSEN - Etienne AUDFRAY from April 20 to May 12, 2019 in the salons of Honor of the city of Puteaux.

Affiche petersen audfray puteaux 600x900

For any information about Armand Petersen and Etienne Audfray please contact Mr and Mrs Bauquier
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